Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Kindle eBook from PlusUltraTech

Common PC and Mac problems for a non-techy user explained step by step in a new Kindle eBook.  Here is the link:

If you have ever been bothered by annoying problems which force you to spend hours of your valuable time doing web searches for the answer, help has come!

We have self-published a new Kindle eBook to help support this site. But, we have not just published it for the purpose of producing funding. We have published this eBook to provide a handy quick reference guide to the pesky little problems that affect the average user of Windows PC or a Mac. Problems that deal with wireless routers, providing the right information about your system to tech support, as well as many other common problems. We try to provide the information in step by step manner when possible. Here is a look at the table of contents:

Since it is an eBook, you can search it for keywords instantly and get to the information you want.  Since it is an eBook, you can carry it in your iPhone, Android, Blackberry, PC, or Mac and have it instantly accessible.  As with all Amazon products, if you are dissatisfied for any reason, you may return it for a refund.

So if you like this site and wish to support it and these kinds of problems are a constant pain to you, we would be honored if you purchase this book.  The retail price is $4.99.  Thanks for your support!

Quick Guide To The Kindle eBook Concept
All Kindle books are virtual.  That is to say, they are not limited to the hardware eReader call the Kindle.  The book exists in the web cloud.  This feature enables you to be able to read the book on multiple platforms such as the iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, Android phones and tablets, as well as Blackberrys.  To be able to view this book in all these hardware configurations, all you need do is download the free Amazon Kindle app from their website for your device. Here is the link:
click to enlarge

Here is a short Amazon commercial for the concept of these apps.  If you cannot see the embedded video here is the link:

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